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Showing posts from August, 2020

How to get started with FABZFIT?

You have to just make it happen.  If you are serious about wanting to get fit, about improving your self-image and your morale, you must kiss all of the excuses good-bye because there are no shortcuts in getting fit.  Getting fit is a lifestyle.  No sweat-less quickies. Consistency is key!  The program I offer has a set of exercise guidelines that are meant to go hand-in-hand with meal plans. *Compulsive exercising is as unhealthful as compulsive eating.  Seek balance and moderation in both. *The body needs at least one day to rest and repair itself. Just think! There are 3,500 calories in one fat pound. If you combine burning 500 calories more with eating 500 calories less, you’ll have a deficit of 1,000 calories at the day’s end and two pounds at the week’s end.  The key to getting fit is patience.  Patience is Key! Each body responds differently. Each body and mind begins the diet in a different state of fitness. Eventually, with combined persistence, the fat melts away.  Why is the