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Train the mind the body will follow

A lot of us are knowledgeable and are very aware of things that we should and could be doing, yet we fail to do it. In other words my actions does not match up with what I believe. 


The more I thought about, the more I came to the realization that the reason I failed to practice certain things was because I tend to care about people’s perception of me. I allowed and continue to allow people’s thoughts and concern to affect my life.  I used to overextend myself in doing anything asked of me in order to honor the feelings of others. I lived in this manner because I did not want to be perceived as someone who was selfish and not nice.  


Losing weight is not complicated. It is us as humans that choose to make everything we do difficult. One of the main reason we find it to be difficult is because we tend to approach weight loss with instant gratification. 


Having worked one on one with many clients and talking to hundreds of people throughout the years, have taught me that the fast-and furious approach to weight loss is also the fastest route to failure. The reason is that we as people don't respond well to sudden changes.  Prime example is COVID 19. However if we take the time to learn that our body and our mind both have a powerful ability to adapt to change when it comes at us in measured amounts, we will be able to do more than we think.


We see athletes performing well and doing well in their sports. We see these people who seems to be overnight successes but we do not take in to account that athletes do not go from running 2 miles to running 26 miles overnight. Instead they work up to their capabilities, giving their bodies a chance to become accustomed to the new demands placed on them. This step by step strategy makes sense which is why I apply this tactics with all my clients. 


Lasting change take times. And that is not only true of how our bodies work, but it is also true of how our minds work. If you have always relied on food for your emotional needs, you will have to get used to the idea of turning to other things to help you through tough times.   This may take some time but it is one of the most critical components of weight loss. Becoming aware of and dealing with habits of burying emotions under plates of food is a critical component. I encourage you to use FABZFIT coaching service as a tool for helping you to identify what is in your life that is making you unhappy or leaving a void that you are using ice cream, donuts and alcohol to fill. If you are eating because you are stressed, angry, bored or lonely, you have to find out what is at the root of those feelings and change it. 


Let's chat today to begin - schedule your session here


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