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Kevin Sherman feeling better in his late forties than he did in his early twenties

Kevin had a lifelong struggle with yo-yo dieting.  He tried various programs focused on diet, he was an avid runner, and he was determined.  Like many of us, he was taught that you need to eat less and do more.  He would count calories, run on a treadmill or elliptical, and do all those things that we all learned over the years. 

His determination meant that he was able to keep going even when he started feeling tired and hungry, but that only went so far.  In time, old habits would creep back in.  He would get discouraged, and finally stop altogether.  He would work hard to lose weight only to regain it even faster than before.  He realized something had to change. He called FABZFIT for an interactive evidence based approach.

After a couple of sessions, his new direction became clear.  Kevin’s caloric intake was too low and did not have a good balance of carb, protein, and fat that he needed.  This created a situation where his metabolism would slow down.  This left him feeling tired and hungry, and it also made it harder for him to build lean muscle.  Based on proven nutritional science, Kevin actually needed to eat more in order for his body to feel ok with letting the fat go.  This sounds counterintuitive, but we soon saw the results!!  

By taking a look at when, what and how much Kevin was eating, we put together his initial plan.  He soon reported that he didn't have the cravings he used to, and is able to remain consistent while also feeling good.  These are the results of an evidence based scientific approach to nutrition.  We have mobilized a lot of those fat cells and burned the energy they had been storing, causing them to shrink.  This allowed him to shape his body and bring out his best self.  In the pics below you will see that Kevin’s arms, shoulders, midsection began to take on form.

With all that said, it is a process and not an event.  Is Kevin going to have a six-pack overnight? No. Nothing worthwhile happens overnight.  Consistency linked with an interactive, evidence based approach is the key to ending yo-yo dieting.  As we'll see later in the blog, we often need to make adjustments as we see the results.    

These results of course were wonderful, but we did start noticing a few things as we performed our biweekly reviews.  After this progress photo (3rd) where we see an increase in size, we realized some adjustments were necessary.  Before joining FABZFIT Kevin might have been discouraged, but this is nothing to be discouraged by.  It's part of the process.  Kevin was putting on muscles which is great.  He was feeling good, but still not getting the most out of his body.  In order for Kevin to get the new result he was looking for, which was leaning in out in size, we had to change food choices and increase his cardio workout.    

This is where the science of nutrition and an understanding of metabolism comes into play.  Based on the results I was seeing in his biweekly progress photo, we needed to implement a new meal plan that had increased by 200 - 300 calories. Yes, increase!  This is where the science of metabolism is counterintuitive, and having a complete understanding of the relationship between your body, your workouts and your fuel makes all the difference.  We added oatmeal as a food choice because it is low glycemic.  We adjusted his workouts to build strength in his legs, and he soon began to run a mile every other day at a moderate pace.  

It's important to continue to adjust your routine based on where you are at and the goals you would like to reach.  Even if your body is where you want it to be, it's important to continually adjust so you stay there.  Adjustments need to be carefully balanced to give you the best results.

Another area of adjustment was weight training.  Kevin had developed strength in some areas of his body, and how we wanted to develop other areas.  In the last photo you will see a screenshot taken of Kevin during a session performing Lat pull down. There you will see a great view of how he has leaned out more, and muscle definition was beginning to show as he pull  on the resistance band. 

Kevin is now a few pounds away from his goals weight, eating more, doing more, and looking and feeling his best.  Kevin has not only lost considerable weight, he has more energy.  He reports feeling better in his late 40's than he did in his early 20's. 

If you are struggling with meeting your fitness goal please fill out this questionnaire


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