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Night eating


Ever had one of those nights when that voice whisper and says, “just a bite? You were good all day and ate healthy but for some reason your taste bud calls for something you know you should not be eating.

You go to the kitchen, open the refrigerator door, and look at all the food you have. Decisions, decisions.  Which snack will it be?


I have had clients tell me that they have been surrounded by delicious food all day long and were able to dodge the temptations, but for some reason they are unable to keep their diets at night. Their diet is routinely sabotaged at night. The thoughts usually fall under the lines of “I have been good all day”. I rode my bike for 3 miles. I walked, weight trained and did various exercise and because of this, I deserve a reward for my good behavior. This thinking, leads us to consume a full day’s calories every night. 


The truth is they are deserving of a treat, but treating themselves badly. Treats should be consumed sparingly and far in between. Consuming treats on a daily basis negates the hard work that one has put in. A good days eating is sabotaged with the late-night binge. 


Are you in the mood for something sweet. Replace it with fruits, protein bars, a shake instead of cake, cookies etc. Speaking for myself, I had to learn how to substitute. I had to train my mind to satisfy the craving that was occurring with healthy treats. I also learned to replace the cravings with activities.  


I have a treadmill in my basement. I came to realize and learned quickly that exercise kills appetite. When I get a late-night craving, I climb on my treadmill. I find that after running a mile or so, my appetite diminishes. This thought me to fight the fight in a different manner. I began to fight fire with Fire.  


To help stop night eating find something new to do. If we eat well during the day, we  are rarely hungry at night. Instead we  are using food as a sedative to medicate our unruly emotions. I encourage you to write down ten activities you could undertake instead of nighttime eating: 

Example -  make a gratitude list

Make a friendship list, naming all those to whom you feel close

Organize your closet

Scrub your bathroom

Clean makeup brushes

Take a hot shower, brush and floss your teeth

Drink a hot cup of tea

Then post list on your refrigerator!


Find out what helps you and do it!


Book your fitness consultation today to begin your transformation journey!


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