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Think Positive!

When I began to exercise after my pregnancy, I always saw the trouble. A very smart man told me that to transform my body I must see only the good. “You must always be positive, because your body can only do what your brain sees.”

Here are some transformative thoughts to have - Remember you’re always choosing either one. Choose wisely!

Instead of trouble I began to see opportunity
Instead the negative, see positive
Instead of bad, see the good
Instead of can’t, say can
Instead of hope, say I will
Instead of self-doubt, feel self-confident
Instead of second-guessing myself, I trust myself.
Instead of dwelling on my mistakes, I accept them and move ahead.
Instead of kicking myself for my last shot, I think about my next shot
Instead of worrying about what could go wrong, I focus on what I do right
Instead of being self-critical, I give myself the benefit of the doubt.
Instead of pondering my weaknesses, I assert my strengths.
Instead of thinking of what my body is not, I think of what my body can do.

The resolution is to see the opportunity instead of trouble. 
Confidence is everything.  From there, it’s a small step to winning.

 Hope you have find encouragement in reading this.
If you have any questions or would like a fitness assessment, begin by filling out this form!


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